There are real differences between Democrats and Republicans in terms of how we look at the role of government. Simply put, Democrats believe big government is the solution to all of our problems, so they push for policies and programs to increase government interference in every aspect of our daily lives.
Republicans take a different approach on the role of Government. We support a more limited role to allow for more personal freedoms without big government creating more barriers to entry in the form of rules, regulations, red tape, fees, and expensive programs.
Democrats have to find and sustain a revenue stream in order to pay for many of these long-term programs. Most of the time we end up paying for it in the form of higher taxes.
No matter how many times Democrats tell you there will not be a cost, there is always a cost for these programs. I am not opposed to all forms of government, but I am opposed to an ever-expanding big government that has too much influence and impact on how we live here in America.
The Biden Administration has been working with Democrats in Congress to raise our taxes. No matter how the White House Press Secretary tries to spin it, the Democrats are raising our taxes. The Tax Foundation estimated the Biden-backed increase of the corporate tax rate would kill 159,000 jobs, shrink the economy, and cut wages for low-income Americans.
A recent survey by The Business Roundtable showed that the overwhelming majority of the 178 CEO’s polled are against Joe Biden's proposed tax hike because it will hurt workers. Over 70% of CEOs said it would negatively affect their ability to hire Americans and nearly two-thirds said a tax increase on businesses would result in slower wage growth for U.S. workers.
Given the state of our economy after months of continued economic lockdowns, our nation is not in a position to have taxes raised on businesses. It really does not make sense to implement such bad policy that is out of touch with where we need to be as a nation.
The President & CEO of The Business Roundtable, Joshua Bolten said, “This survey tells us that increasing taxes on America’s largest employers would lead to a reduced ability to hire, slower wage growth for workers and reduced investments in research and development – all key components needed for a robust economic recovery.”
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce took a similar position calling Biden’s plan “dangerously misguided” and “will slow the economic recovery and make the U.S. less competitive globally…”
If the Biden Administration was serious about economic recovery, they would focus on policies that actually fuel the economic recovery we all need. Job creators help drive our economy. Now more than ever, our government must create an environment where we put American businesses and American workers first so that we can thrive.
Furthermore, if there is a need to fund plans to improve our crumbling infrastructure system, then any plan proposed to Congress must focus on traditional infrastructure projects that will improve our roads, airports, waterways, bridges and internet broadband. The current bill proposed by Democrats that is $2 trillion only has 7% going to what we all know to be infrastructure.
Raising the corporate tax rate to 28% will give the competitive advantage to other nations. That is not how you put the interest of Americans first. Joe Biden’s tax increase would lead to our country having a higher business tax rate than communist China. Furthermore, the increased tax rate would raise American businesses combined tax rate to the highest of any country in the G7 or OECD.
Our country has to maintain our global competitive advantage so that we are not put in a position where countries like China, India, and Mexico become the beneficiaries of American ingenuity with companies moving factories, warehouses and major portions of their workforce overseas to save money, escaping higher tax rates imposed on American corporations.
Paris Dennard is the National Spokesperson and Director of Black Media Affairs for the Republican National Committee (RNC). Follow him on Twitter: @PARISDENNARD.