Being pro-life is not a partisan issue, but now the Biden budget is making it one. For many Christians, it is rooted in the belief that all men, women, and children are gifts from God created in His image. Millions of Americans from both sides of the political aisle believe the gift of life is precious and should be protected. The same can be said of those millions of Americans who are of the Catholic faith, which is why many Catholics are at odds with President Biden’s pro-abortion position.
With the release of his budget two weeks ago, Biden laid out his funding priorities and made it clear, he wants pro-life Americans to use their tax dollars to fund abortions. Biden and other Democrats have said, “show me your budget, I’ll tell you what you value.” Sadly, Biden put the radical liberal pro-abortion wing of the Democrat Party before millions of Americans who support life and respect the moral conscience of others.
Getty Israel is the founder and executive director of Sisters in Birth, Inc. and she recently penned an op-ed titled “Abortion rate disparities among Black women: I’m pro-choice but can’t ignore statistics.” She boldly pointed out the alarming data about Black abortion rates where she lives in Mississippi, saying that between 2015 and 2019, “there were over 97,909 pregnancies among Black women during the period; 17% of those pregnancies (16,696) were aborted. In the present Black Lives Matter era, there is no better benchmark to measure the value of Black lives. If Black lives really matter, then liberals must address the underlying factors driving abortion rates. The adverse impact in years of potential Black lives lost strongly indicates that it is the most significant occurrence for Black people. Black disparities in abortion rates should be equally appalling as infant mortality.” President Biden’s budget would make the disproportionate number of abortions of Black children funded by every tax paying American.
Biden’s budget discards decades of bipartisan precedent – protected by the Hyde Amendment – that Americans shouldn’t have to violate their deeply-held moral beliefs to fund abortions.
The Hyde Amendment has crossed party lines and was an accepted part of Congressional appropriation bills since 1980. In fact, every Democrat president since Jimmy Carter has signed funding bills including this important amendment. Interestingly enough, before being pressured by the more radically liberal extremist of the Democrat Party, Joe Biden actually voted for it “throughout his Senate career.”
Biden is on the record repeatedly saying that it was wrong for American taxpayers to fund abortions because it would force millions to go against their morals, values and deeply held religious and pro-life beliefs. In 1983, Joe Biden said he could not “understand” how pro-abortion advocates supported taxpayer funding of abortion. Then again in 1994, Biden said pro-life Americans “should not be compelled to pay” for abortion. In 2007, Biden said taxpayer funding forces pro-life Americans to “accept” abortion. But now he has pulled the bait and switch and is singing a different tune when it comes to funding abortions.
Ironically, Planned Parenthood’s President Alexis McGill Johnson called the Hyde Amendment “racist, sexist, deeply unjust.” Planned Parenthood is the very definition of systemic racism, having been responsible for the deliberate placement of abortion clinics in Black communities nationwide. They are the last organization that should be talking about anything being racist given the history of their racist founder Margaret Sanger, who they even recently tried to distance themselves from.
If the Biden budget were adopted, the national debt would reach $330,000 per household by 2031, totaling $44.8 trillion. This is on top of the fact that you would now be paying for abortions. To give some perspective, according to Right to Life of Michigan, “more than 20 million Black babies have been aborted since the 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision legalized abortion in our country.”
Americans will have to ask themselves if Joe Biden and the Democrat Party’s policies reflect their values. Whether it is defunding the police, preventing Medicaid Part D Seniors from paying $35 for insulin, not condemning Antifa, providing resources for illegal immigrants, raising taxes, open borders, inflation, high gas prices, or taxpayer funded abortions, this Democrat agenda is becoming more and more radical, and they are just getting started.
Paris Dennard is the National Spokesperson and Director of Black Media Affairs for the Republican National Committee (RNC). Follow him on Twitter: @PARISDENNARD.