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Instagram And YouTube Are Expected Winners Of TikTok Ban

May 3, 2024

(AP NEWS)- Adult U.S. TikTok users spend an average of 54 minutes on the app on any given day, more than Instagram, Snapchat or YouTube, according to research firm eMarketer. If TikTok were to disappear, those platforms – along with […]

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North Carolina Legislature Reconvenes To Address Budget, Vouchers As Big Elections Approach

May 2, 2024

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) – The North Carolina General Assembly begins its annual work session Wednesday with a little extra money to spend and limited pressing issues to address before key elections this fall and longtime state government leaders depart. Following […]

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2024 NC Black Summit, Hosted By NC Black Alliance 

May 2, 2024

Ms Jheri Worldwide, Staff Writer Photos by Terrence Jones, Terrence Jones Photography. The 2024 North Carolina Black Summit hosted by the North Carolina Black Alliance and sponsored by Advance Carolina was an outstanding opportunity for elected officials, community leaders, and […]

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Once Again Students Are Leading The Charge

May 2, 2024

Jordan Meadows, Staff Writer What began as a localized movement at Columbia University in New York has morphed into a nationwide confrontation between students and administrators regarding anti-war protests and the boundaries of free speech on college campuses.  Over the […]

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Black Americans At Higher Risk For Kidney Failure

May 1, 2024

PRNewswire- A leading nonprofit health advocacy organization that provides health and wellness information that is rooted in medical expertise to the Black community – is partnering with the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) to spread awareness about kidney equity during National […]

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Experts fear ‘catastrophic’ college declines thanks to botched FAFSA rollout

May 1, 2024

WASHINGTON (AP) – The last thing standing between Ashnaelle Bijoux and her college dream is the FAFSA form – a financial aid application that’s supposed to help students go to college, but is blocking her instead. She has tried to submit it […]

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Four Officers Were Killed In Charlotte As Shots Rained Down From Above

April 30, 2024

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) – Law enforcement officers with an arrest warrant demanded that a man come out of a house in North Carolina before four were killed by gunfire, the victims unable to survive shots coming from inside the dwelling, […]

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Black-Owned Sneaker Company Signs 7 Football Champs

April 28, 2024

Nationwide – Meet Cynthia Cureton-Robles and her daughter Santia Deck, the owners of TRONUS, the first ever Black woman-owned sneaker brand to be launched by a female athlete. The brand continues to break glass ceilings after its latest announcement that […]

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Athletic director used AI to frame principal with racist remarks in fake audio clip, police say

April 27, 2024

(AP News) A high school athletic director in Maryland has been accused of using artificial intelligence to impersonate a principal on an audio recording that included racist and antisemitic comments, authorities said Thursday. Authorities said the case appears to be […]

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An Indigenous Outcry Over Mining Practices

April 27, 2024

(AP News) – Indigenous representatives from 35 countries issued a declaration Thursday criticizing the fact that they are too rarely consulted about mining that takes place on or near their lands, an issue that has become more acute with increased […]

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Shaw Graduation 2024

St. Augustine Graduation 2024

contributing writer image

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