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Its’ Time To Make A Plan

Make a plan today. Your family may not be together if a disaster strikes, so it is important to know which types of disasters could affect your area. Know how you'll contact one another and reconnect if separated. Establish a family meeting place that's familiar and easy to find. Step 1: Put a plan together by discussing the questions below with your family, friends or household to start your emergency

Black Wealth Is Increasing, But So Is The Racial Wealth Gap

The Brookings Institution  According to the latest data from the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances, the nation's racial wealth gap increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Between 2019 and 2022, median wealth increased by $51,800, but the racial wealth gap increased by $49,950-adding up to a total difference of $240,120 in wealth between the median white household and the median Black household. The Survey of Consumer Finances is the most

N.C. Communities Strategize To Stem Youth Violence

CAROLINA PUBLIC PRESS-Juvenile crime stats dropped in Robeson County following the 2010 creation of the North Carolina Youth Violence Prevention Center in Lumberton. Over the following eight years, court complaints against juveniles dropped 58%, juveniles being detained by 86% and delinquency by 54%, according to the center. Since November 2023, the center also conducted trauma assessments on 33 youth who were referred from district court, and 68% entered trauma-focused therapy.

Durham Temporarily Closing Playgrounds In Five Parks To Test

  NC NEWSLINE Durham Parks and Recreation is temporarily closing playgrounds today in Northgate, Walltown, East End, East Durham and Lyon Park to conduct further tests for lead contamination, the city announced this morning. Playgrounds with liners and 12 inches of mulch were not originally tested, because the material is a barrier between bare soil and children playing. However, to ensure no lead has reached the surface, the playgrounds will

Fayetteville would receive $50m to remove PFAS from drinking water under new bill

FAYETTEVILLE, NC - The Fayetteville Public Works Commission, whose drinking water supply has long been contaminated with PFAS, would receive $50 million in state funds to install an advanced treatment system to remove the toxic substances, according to a bill filed in the state senate today. Senate Bill 780 is sponsored by State Sen. Val Applewhite, who represents Fayetteville. Earlier this month, the EPA set final drinking water standards of

NC’s Cannabis Crossroads: Balancing Legalization And Coming Regulations

  Jordan Meadows, Staff Writer With recent developments in the state commencing, North Carolina is poised for potential reform on the legalization of marijuana amid a spectrum of opinions and legislative hurdles. 2023 witnessed a flurry of proposed bills in both the states' House and Senate pertaining to the legalization and regulation of hemp, medicinal cannabis, and adult recreational usage. The recent conclusion of the North Carolina General Assembly session

Instagram And YouTube Are Expected Winners Of TikTok Ban

(AP NEWS)- Adult U.S. TikTok users spend an average of 54 minutes on the app on any given day, more than Instagram, Snapchat or YouTube, according to research firm eMarketer. If TikTok were to disappear, those platforms - along with younger, smaller emerging rivals - would be scrambling for those valuable minutes of people's attention. But with an actual ban still likely years away, it's not clear what app will

North Carolina Legislature Reconvenes To Address Budget, Vouchers As Big Elections Approach

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - The North Carolina General Assembly begins its annual work session Wednesday with a little extra money to spend and limited pressing issues to address before key elections this fall and longtime state government leaders depart. Following their landmark 2023 session that expanded Medicaid, restricted abortion, broadened gun rights, swelled private-school vouchers and weakened the governor, Republicans leading the House and Senate are talking about the traditionally

2024 NC Black Summit, Hosted By NC Black Alliance 

Ms Jheri Worldwide, Staff Writer Photos by Terrence Jones, Terrence Jones Photography. The 2024 North Carolina Black Summit hosted by the North Carolina Black Alliance and sponsored by Advance Carolina was an outstanding opportunity for elected officials, community leaders, and mindful citizens to come together and build. It has been a while since I was in the convention center, having these impactful conversations in this beautiful space really amplified the

Once Again Students Are Leading The Charge

Jordan Meadows, Staff Writer What began as a localized movement at Columbia University in New York has morphed into a nationwide confrontation between students and administrators regarding anti-war protests and the boundaries of free speech on college campuses.  Over the past 10 days, the wave of demonstrations has led to the arrest, suspension, probation, and expulsion of thousands of students across various colleges, including Yale University, UNC-Chapel Hill, Virginia Tech,