The Carolinian is the largest African-American newspaper in North Carolina. Our circulation covers 2/3 of the state, which is the most dense African-American population in NC, and our digital reach is nationwide. In addition to spanning the state, we also span generations of readers. If you are interested in being featured in our event’s calendar, please email us at [email protected] with the subject line “Online Event Advertising”, as well as information about your event and/or an event link. Each event ad cost is approximately $20-$30.

Do Portugal Circus

Cirque de Vol studio 300 W Hargett St #40, Raleigh

Do Portugal Circus are offering a FREE aerial and ground workshop. The class is open to kids (ages 12+) and adults and is open to the public. It’s great for any aspiring performers or anyone that’s always wanted to give Aerial a try! Space is limited, so they need to make sure to sign up on @cirquedevol’s website. Do Portugal Circus is a family-run, traditional circus . The Circus is proud to bring a show that all generations can enjoy including aerialists, jugglers , motorcyclists, clowns , acrobats and much more.