The Carolinian is the largest African-American newspaper in North Carolina. Our circulation covers 2/3 of the state, which is the most dense African-American population in NC, and our digital reach is nationwide. In addition to spanning the state, we also span generations of readers. If you are interested in being featured in our event’s calendar, please email us at [email protected] with the subject line “Online Event Advertising”, as well as information about your event and/or an event link. Each event ad cost is approximately $20-$30.

The 16th Annual Black Market Vendor Expo

Christian Styles Studio and Friends 3537 Maitland Drive, Raleigh

Michellez Event Center champions "buy everything black" and "giving back." There will be a Hair & Fashion Show at 3:30 pm – a celebration of local talent. Get your free ticket to support Black Excellence. Proceeds benefit local homeless missions through Ms. Martha's Meals and a toy giveaway.