The Carolinian is the largest African-American newspaper in North Carolina. Our circulation covers 2/3 of the state, which is the most dense African-American population in NC, and our digital reach is nationwide. In addition to spanning the state, we also span generations of readers. If you are interested in being featured in our event’s calendar, please email us at [email protected] with the subject line “Online Event Advertising”, as well as information about your event and/or an event link. Each event ad cost is approximately $20-$30.


Bethlehem Baptist Church New Pastor Announcement

Bethlehem Baptist Church 7215 Six Forks Rd, Raleigh

The officers and disciples of Bethlehem Baptist Church are excited to announce the appointment of Pastor Walter S. Dozier as the new pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church!


Pastor Appreciation Month

On October 5, The Carolinian will publish its first annual Pastor Appreciation Special Edition. With October being Pastor Appreciation Month, it is the perfect time to honor your Church Founders, Ministers, Clergy, and of course your Pastors.

Virtual Community of Women to Host 5th Local Career Fair in October

Blush Cowork 201 Shannon Oaks Cir Suite 102, Cary

Networking Women of the Triangle, LLC (NWOTT), a virtual Facebook community with over 48,000 members, is pleased to announce its fifth career fair scheduled for October 3rd at Blush Cowork in Cary. NWOTT has a mission to connect, support, and inspire women in their careers and business endeavors, and has organized four successful career fairs to date.
